Academic Courses
Strong Academics strengthen your skills in communications, math, science and social studies.
Nothing is more important than a well-rounded education.
Career-Technical Education at Tri-Rivers Career Center is complemented by strong academic programs. Academics classes at Tri-Rivers are engaging, challenging and oftentimes related to the technical field of study.
• College Credit Plus (CCP)
Ohio’s College Credit Plus can help you earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking college courses from community colleges or universities. The purpose of this program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wide variety of options to college-ready students.
Students must meet the admission criteria of the post-secondary institution in order to be eligible for this program. Students cannot exceed 30 hours per year between their high school and college course work. Please stop by Student Services to receive more information and deadlines for this option.
Tri-Rivers students are academically prepared for a career—two-year college, 4-year college, apprenticeships, military, and the work world.
Tri-Rivers Career Center affirms that equal opportunities are offered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, military status, national origin, disability, age, and ancestry of person.
Paula Brazell—740-389-8521—
Jenni Gardner—740-389-8556—
Kari Hord—740-389-8545—
Megan Looney—740-389-8523—
Kristi Schirtzinger—740-389-8550—
Lauren Casale—740-389-8538—
Sheri Wagner—740-389-8562—
Jon Crothers—740-389-8541—
Brandon Burk—740-389-8561—
Hannah Wilson—740-389-8532—
Nicole Panamarczuk—740-389-8530—
Michelle Rawlins—740-389-8527—
Kathleen Wren—740-389-8528—
Heather Jenkins—740-389-8547—
Roy Schweinfurth—740-389-8548—
Brent Gentkowski—740-389-8544—
Is Tri-Rivers Career Center For Me?