Brandon Parks Continues to AMAZE!

An acknowledged “plant geek”—Brandon Parks, a graduate of Tri-Rivers Landscaping Garden Center program, Ohio State ATI Landscaping Horticulture and current student at OSUM in Business continues to AMAZE! Kerry Beckel, his TRCC instructor said, “Brandon was an outstanding student in his program, FFA Activities and all leadership roles while at TRCC.” He continued to excel at ATI. His landscaping design was selected by AI Root Co. in Medina. The design involved landscape restoration of the historic homestead, according to Dr. Laura Deeter, his professor at ATI. Brandon completed an internship with Marion Landscape Services. He is continuing his education at OSUM.

Comments from Brandon’s Former Instructors:

Kerry Beckel, Brandon’s Tri-Rivers Landscaping/Garden Center Instructor:

Brandon was a student in the Landscaping Class in 2010 and 2011. He demonstrated outstanding leadership and a sincere interest in learning all that he could about plants and landscape design. He actually first shadowed the program as an 8th grader and spent the whole afternoon learning about the class. He excelled in plant identification and competed in the State Nursery and Landscape Contest in both his Junior and Senior years. He also competed in the Job Interview and Parliamentary Procedure Contests. He served as FFA Chapter Vice President and President.  Below is a list of the awards earned while he was here and also a copy of the Banquet script portion describing why Brandon was selected for the four major chapter awards
· Junior & Senior Class Leadership Awards
· Junior Outstanding Attendance
· Senior Perfect Attendance
· Star Junior Landscaping Student – Brandon is an excellent worker and excellent student.  He has been a leader in the class and the FFA who understands the importance of leading by example.  He has maintained the best grades in the class and participated in the most activities.  His performance on this year’s State Nursery / Landscaping Contest was exceptional especially considering that he is only a Junior.  We look forward to even more from him next year.
· Star Senior Landscaping Student – Brandon is an excellent worker and excellent student.  He has been a leader in the class and the FFA who understands the importance of leading by example.  As you may have noticed by the many awards he earned during the contest portion, Brandon loves to compete in Career Development Events and has the ability to do well at any of them he puts his mind to. Brandon’s SAE included his School Lab, Home & Community Improvement, Research, and Job Placement. He has maintained the best grades in the class and participated in the most activities & his ability to plan his work will be missed.
· Junior year 110% Award winner for the Chapter – Our next Chapter Award is sponsored by AgCredit & is called the 110% award.  This award includes a check for $50.  Mr. Yoder would you please stand & receive our thanks for your company’s longtime sponsorship of this award?  This award is presented to the members who are always working, often behind the scenes, to get the work of the Chapter done.  This year’s award goes to one of our officers who really demonstrated putting 110% into this Chapter.  As Vice President, Brandon serves as an ad hoc member of all of our committees.  He participated in just about every activity related to FFA and was instrumental in planning many of them as well.
· Senior year DeKalb Award Winner for the Chapter – And finally, it is my pleasure to present the DeKalb Agricultural Accomplishment Award winner.  This award is sponsored by the Monsanto Company.  This award has a proud history.  It was first presented in 1947.  The requirements for this award include grades, character, SAE, & FFA activities.  This year’s DeKalb Award winner has demonstrated excellence in all these areas.  Would President, Brandon Parks please come forward?. In addition to the many FFA activities you’ve already heard about, Brandon is a member of Ambassador Club, Marion County Teen Board and the National Technical Honor Society.  He is a student member of the Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association who has been accepted at The Ohio State University’s ATI Campus. His leadership set an excellent example for all the FFA members, especially those who plan to be officers in the future.  Congratulations and good luck in all you do!


Laura Deeter, PhD
Associate Professor – Horticulture Technologies
Program Coordinator: Landscape Horticulture and Horticulture Science
Ohio State ATI
The AI Root Co in Medina was looking to get the community involved in the landscape restoration of the historic homestead located next to the gift shop.  They came up with the idea of having landscape students design the property and I decided it was the perfect project for Landscape Design II.

The students travelled from Wooster to AI Root to learn about the history of the company, their plans for the future and their ideas for the landscape.  They arranged a friendly competition between the students and offered a small monetary reward for all, and included a donation to the Landscape Club at ATI for their fund-raising efforts to attend the Professional Landcare Network (PLANET) Student Career Days in Ft Collins, CO.

The design parameters sounded simple enough: inviting to the public, bee friendly, public friendly, relatively low maintenance, seasonal interest, educational and matching the historic house. At the end of the semester the students presented their ideas to the company. It was then decided that it might be better to get professionals involved in choosing the winner. A luncheon was coordinated where the students would present their designs to Master Gardeners, Garden Club Officers, Professional Landscape Contractors and other interested community members, who voted on their choice at the conclusion.

After much deliberation, Mr. Brandon Parks was selected as the winner of the competition. His design made outstanding use of design principles and everyone felt he met the needs of the company, the garden and the community. His design utilized bee friendly plantings and he created an open and inviting space for anyone to wander and view the plants.

Mr. Parks is a graduate of Ohio State ATI in Landscape Horticulture, specializing in Landscape Design. He’s known for a long time about his desire to become a landscape designer and is an acknowledged ‘plant geek’. He completed his internship with Marion Landscape Services where he not only did basic landscape maintenance, but also designed container plantings and small gardens for their clients.

Vet Science Surgery Suite Opens Today

The Veterinary Science Surgical Suite was open and in use today, Tuesday, April 22.  Dr. Scott Yancey and his Vet Tech, Melissa Seavolt, performed a cat spay and two cat neuters on some very nice Marion Humane Society patients. Senior Vet Tech students assisted and juniors observed.

Tri-Rivers Vet Science students:

  • Work directly with large, small and exotic animals in a learning lab environment and through internships
  • Learn about animal nutrition, health, reproduction, anatomy & physiology, grooming and handling of animals, first aid
  • Gain veterinary assisting skills necessary to communicate with animal owners


  • Prepared for immediate employment, advanced certifications, and further education
  • Advanced Certifications
  • Interactive Field Trips
  • Internships
  • Scholarships

Career Opportunities Upon Graduation

  • Veterinary Assistant
  • Animal Retail Sales/Manager
  • Animal Care/Lab Tech
  • Animal Facility Supervisor
  • Groomer’s Assistant

With additional Training/Education

  • Veterinary Technician-Associate Degree
  • Veterinarian-Bachelor’s Degree/ DVM

Work with animals! Your abilities can keep animals healthy, nurse them when ill — even save their lives!

  • Start a rewarding career in a growing field. Why take a Veterinary Assistant training program? With the right credentials, you can:
    • Be an important part of a professional veterinary staff.
    • Work at a veterinary hospital, animal shelter, kennel, or laboratory.

Demand for professional Veterinary Assistants will rise nearly 23% through 2018.
Pet owners increasingly take advantage of veterinary services, spurring employment growth for Veterinary Assistants. That means more opportunity for you!

Instructor: Carrie Heimlich

Outstanding Alumni, Distinguished Service Recognized

The Tri-Rivers/Lautenslager 2014 Distinguished Service and Outstanding Alumni Award recipients were recognized at the Career Center’s Annual Board Dinner Wednesday, March 19 2014.

Distinguished Service Awards
The first Distinguished Service Award was presented in 1993 to Jack Lautenslager, who is often referred to as “Mr. Tri-Rivers.” Mr. Lautenslager spearheaded the efforts to pass the original levy that provided the funds to build the Career Center that opened in 1976.  He continued to share his expertise and talents with Tri-Rivers his entire life. Today the Distinguished Service Awards are presented in his memory to individuals or groups who donate their time, resources and/or talents in order to make Tri-Rivers Career Center and Center For Adult Education successful.

This year’s recipients will received plaques and had their names added to the distinguished group
of individuals on the Tri-Rivers Wall of Service and Recognition
. Recipients include:

Jane Galyk, 2014 Tri-Rivers/Lautenslager Distinguished Service Award.

• Jane Galyk of Marion Technical College, introduced by Sherrie Dunn, Lead Guidance Counselor
Jane Galyk has worked at Marion Technical College since 1985, prior to her  employment at Marion Technical College she was employed as an Admissions Counselor for Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College in Indiana where Jane received her bachelor’s degree in Marketing.

Jane has served Marion Technical College as an Admissions Counselor, Assistant Director of Admissions and her current position, since 2010, as the Coordinator of Admissions.  In this role she is responsible for the recruitment plan for targeted groups including traditional students, adult students and veterans.  She also oversees the application process and supervises the admissions counselors, support staff and student workers.

But the real reason Jane was nominated for this award is because of her work with the Marion area high school students, including the students attending Tri- Rivers Career Center, and community organizations to promote 2 year community and technical colleges.  Jane has been a presenter at our Tri-Rivers Scholarship Night and she has helped us with our Financial Aid FAFSA night where we help families complete their FAFSA online in our computer labs.  This has been a tremendous help for some of our students to realize the dream of going to college.  Jane has often been our contact person when we have individual students or sometime whole classes who want to visit and tour Marion Technical College.  The past two years we have held a mini college fair here at Tri-Rivers and it has been Jane that comes over from Marion Technical College and sets up her table for students to visit and learn more about post-secondary education options.  This year, Jane also agreed to hold several sessions at our Exploring Careers Day and spoke to students about what they needed to do to “Plan for College” and in past years and for many years Jane has been a tremendous help in planning and coordinating our 8th Grade Tours experience.  Bottom line Jane Galyk has been our “go-to” person at Marion Technical College for many years!

A couple other important pieces of information about Jane is that she graduated from Marion Catholic High School and earned her Master’s Degree from Bowling Green State University in College Student Personnel. Jane continues to give back to the community by volunteering for various events including St. Paul’s Neighborhood Supper, Boy Scouts of America, Red Cross, and Turning Points 5K run.   Jane and her husband Mike will be celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary this summer and they are the proud parents of two young men: Michael and Erin who are both students at Marion Technical College.

Thank you Jane Galyk for ALL that you do for Tri-Rivers Career Center and for the Marion Community!

Scott Potter, 2014 Tri-Rivers/Lautenslager Distinguished Service Award.

 • Scott Potter of Marion Technical College, introduced by Jodi Gaietto, Director of Academics

Scott Potter has served as an MTC faculty member and Dean of the Arts and Sciences for over 17 years, the department has worked together with Tri-Rivers to establish a great partnership for students.  We have established a Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit program that allows Tri-Rivers students to earn college credit without leaving the campus.  MTC offers a nice selection of college coursework for students pursuing any college major, including those interested in the health fields.  English Comp I and II, Sociology and Psychology are courses that are in just about every bachelor degree program and students at Tri-Rivers can also earn college credit in Anatomy and Physiology I and II.  With the help of faculty at both institutions, we ensure that students are getting a high quality college education. The partnership between Tri-Rivers and MTC has created a great opportunity for the students.

All of the courses that are offered at Tri-Rivers are part of the guaranteed transfer system.  This system has two parts, TAG (Transfer Assurance Guide) and OTM (Ohio Transfer Module).  This guaranteed transfer system that Ohio has in place has been great for college students in Ohio. It has enabled them to start at the local two-year college with the knowledge that their course work will transfer to any other state colleges and universities.  Since two-year colleges are often less expensive, this has saved students and families thousands of dollars.

Scott Potter is a member of the Sociology TAG faculty panel and the Social Sciences OTM panel. As a panel they review courses that have been submitted from all the state schools in Ohio.  The panel then decides if courses meet the rigor and guidelines of the TAG and OTM.  Scott is the MTC liaison for the TAG and OTM.  He works closely with the Ohio Board of Regents to ensure MTC courses are submitted properly and meet the rigor and guidelines to ensure they meet the faculty panel approval processes.  MTC has submitted and received approval on over 70 courses for TAG and/or OTM.

An interesting fact about Scott is that he is also a board member of the Ohio Supreme Court “Unauthorized Practices of Law.” This board reviews cases to decide if a non-lawyer has practiced law (or a lawyer without a license) and recommends a penalty to the Ohio Supreme Court.

Scott was joined by his wife, Dr. Jill Welch, for the evening of celebration.

Megan Vertucci, 2014 Tri-Rivers/Lautenslager Distinguished Service Award.

• Megan Vertucci of Marion Technical College, introduced by Jodi Gaietto, Director of Academics
Originally from Northeast Ohio, our next recipient, Megan Vertucci,  now lives in Dublin, OH with her husband (Paul) and their two kids.  (Nick is 3 and Samantha is 19 months).

Her background is in Sociology (undergrad from Hiram College and Master’s Degree from BGSU), she teaches Sociology courses as well as works with the early college program.

Since working with Tri-Rivers, she has served as a liaison for the dual enrollment courses.  From speaking at the information nights, to registering students, to assisting in computer access, to communicating with high school faculty, she tries to ensure that the dual enrollment students at Tri-Rivers are successful in their early college experience.  In addition to Tri-Rivers, she works with 17 school districts in Marion and surrounding counties to offer early college opportunities.

Megan also serves as a faculty advisor for PSEO students who come to campus.  As a faculty advisor, she works with students in selecting courses that will meet requirements or expose them to different majors.  In these meetings, they discuss the role of transfer credit in their college experience, how to enroll in specific programs at MTC, and how to navigate a college life.  Megan says it is amazing to watch the early college students develop and mature into young men and women ready to tackle their lives beyond high school.

Megan was  joined by her guest this evening, Mr. Jon Beard.

Larry Wood, 2014 Tri-Rivers/Lautenslager Distinguished Service Award.

Larry Wood, Retired From Whirlpool Corporation, introduced by Ritch Ramey, Tad Douce and Brad Pottkotter
Larry Wood has lived his entire life in the  Marion community. He retired from Whirlpool Corporation in Marion after 35 years, but is probably busier now than ever. While at Whirlpool Larry started out with a 5 year Maintenance apprenticeship where he earned a Journeymen Card. He was a maintenance electrician for about 15 years and then promoted to Maintenance Engineer and Senior Engineer. When he retired in 2000 was the Lead Engineer at Whirlpool Marion and was in charge of purchasing all the large automated machinery. During his years at Whirlpool he was the welding instructor for the maintenance program and  taught hydraulics and electrical wiring, blue print reading, and press troubleshooting. He has been on the National Standards committee for Stamping Presses standards in the United States.

After retiring from Whirlpool he started his own company called Press Man Services. He is a Press room consultant and works with many companies to improve their press operations.

He has also worked 9 years for Toledo Press as Lead press engineer importing stamping presses from China for the Ford Motor Co., Dana Corp and General Motors. Larry helped engineer and install all the presses for the GM Hummer H 3 project.

He also worked at TRCC as a sub and adult education..

Larry is the President of Rock and River fishing club for the past 20 years. He is also the Web Master for Mid Ohio Classic Scooters. Larry collects Old Cushman scooters.

Larry and his wife have been airplane pilots for over 45 years.

Family members attending the celebration included:  his 90 year old mother Grace Wood Mack, his wife of 45 years Pat Converse Wood and their 2 daughters Dr. Karriann Wood and Angie Wood Franklin RN.

The Marion area is nationally becoming known as the “Home of Robotics Education.” It has taken many good people with determination, dedication and vision working as a team to make this happen. Our very first National Robotics Challenge was in 2003. Larry was at the first contest. We had him run the Sumo Rink. It was a crazy scene. Larry took over and organized the rink area and he has helped every year since then. He has been invaluable to the NRC.

Honda contacted us a 4 years ago. They were interested in supporting our contest. We needed to take a veteran judge that could talk with their technical staff about the judging process and to help recruit a few judges. Because of Larry’s enthusiasm and charm we got 30 Honda judges per day for 3 days. Many Honda associates tell us every year they look forward to those 3 days of judging and Honda has more requests to help than they able to let participate.

We started the RAMTEC Vex Robotics League a few years ago and needed a judge to help interview the students about the robotic notebooks and designs. Larry volunteered and has been to about every contest since. When I call a few judges they say they will work if they can team up with Larry.

Larry Wood, the NRC, Vex Robotics League and the next generation of technicians thank you for your volunteer spirit.

John Kuzio, 2014 Tri-Rivers Lautenslager Distinguished Service Award.

 John Kuzio, Teacher at Elgin, introduced by Ritch Ramey, RAMTEC Coordinator

John Kuzio grew up in West Virginia near the Ohio and Pennsylvania line. He graduated from Fairmont State where he played college football and earned his teaching degree in Industrial arts. He starting teaching at Elgin in January of 1979. Ramey said, “I first met Mr. Kuzio during winter conditioning of my sophomore year. When he came to our first weight lifting he was a giant of a man that it was rumored that he had played for the Pittsburgh Steelers. But, as soon as you meet him you know he is a very nice and caring individual.”

He was a baseball, track, basketball and football coach. He was even the Central District Football Coach of the Year in the 1990s. John’s wife, Cheryl, has been a fixture in his life since ever since I have known him, said Ramey.  “He has raised two very bright and strong sons John and Paul. I have had the pleasure of working on his coaching staff and getting to know his great family. He is the teacher that most of us that had him as a teacher would want to be— kind, dedicated, organized and thorough. Since the first class I had of his in drafting I have always wanted to be an engineer and drafter. In 1987 when I had a chance to become a drafting teacher at Tri-Rivers Career Center, I modeled my course from my life experiences and my excellent school experiences.”

Ramey said since 1990 he has had in his class more than 70 students that had Mr. Kuzio as a teacher as well. “He has always sold our program to all his students as if it were the 4th year of the engineering track at Elgin. This year was one of our smaller groups of 10 student of which 4 are Elgin seniors. Next year we have 35 signed up and 19 are Elgin students. The students are always well prepared and also John makes sure they have proper academic courses to succeed in the field.”

John has also taught part time at TRCC the last few years—Computer-Aided-Drafting to our Carpentry, Precision Machining and Welding students. When asked if he wanted to learn CAD, Robotics or Electronics, he has given up countless hours he could have been on his pontoon boat at Indian Lake. But he does it to help make the Elgin students better technicians. He is always striving to better himself and his program. Whether coaching, teaching or mentoring students he brings a passion to his work. He is a true craftsmen and TRCC is better off today because of John Kuzio.

Outstanding Alumni Awards
The Tri-Rivers Outstanding Alumni awards recognize Career Center and Adult Center graduates who have contributed to their communities, are outstanding in their career fields and/or have furthered their educations.
These individuals are Tri-Rivers Success Stories. They are exemplary in their  career, community and character
This year’s recipients will receive plaques and their portraits will join other outstanding alumni on the Tri-Rivers Wall of Service & Recognition.

Melissa Bentley, 2014
Outstanding Alumni

Melissa Bentley, Director of Research for Occupational Health & Safety at the National Registry of EMTs, introduced by Richard George, Director of Adult Education

The mission of Tri-Rivers Career Center is to prepare secondary and adult students to contribute, advance and succeed in the 21st Century workforce…to be responsible community members, and to embrace learning as a life-long process. “We are proud to be recognizing one of our Adult Education Alumni who has certainly fulfilled that mission,” said George.

In 2007, Melissa Bentley had already completed a Bachelor of Science Degree from Kent State University when she applied to Tri-Rivers/Marion General Hospital School of Paramedicine. While at Tri-Rivers she completed her Paramedic training, passed her National Registry and became certified as a Paramedic.

Ohio is known to be the home of many internationally known companies and organizations and it interesting to note that the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, NREMT is headquartered just south of here in Columbus, Ohio. The same year that Melissa graduated from Tri-Rivers School of Paramedicine, she became the third Research Fellow to enter into the NREMT Research Fellowship Program.

Ms. Bentley has continued her life-long learning by completing a Masters in Science in Environmental Health Science from The Ohio State University and is currently finishing up a Doctoral Program in Epidemiology at The Ohio State University.

Her love of research and writing is evidenced by her many published articles and research studies. She has continued to advance in her career and is now the Director of Research for Occupational Health & Safety at the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.

You can see why we are proud of our graduates, said George.

Jeff Houser,
2014 Outstanding Alumni.

Jeff  Houser, Houser Racing, Introduced by Ritch Ramey, RAMTEC Coordinator
Jeff Houser grew up with engineering. His dad, John, is the former Dean of Engineering at MTC. When he came to Tri-Rivers his Senior year, he was in the Engineering program. He was also very active in in ATV racing and was winning a lot.

Born from a true passion for ATV racing, HOUSER Racing was founded in 1998 by Jeff and his dad. The company is a division of John Houser & Associates, a consulting engineering firm that has been designing high-speed equipment for Whirlpool Corporation for the past 20 years. So even before they got involved with ATVs, the Housers understood the need for speed. Whirlpool makes about 18,000 dryers a day, so the equipment designed for them really needs to kick out the parts.

When Jeff began participating in ATV hare scrambles and motor cross races, both he and his dad caught the bug to win and to find new ways to do it. Like most racers, they pumped up the motor and went a little faster, but they soon realized that having a strong motor wasn’t enough.

To really improve speed and performance, it was going to take the kind of suspension upgrades that empower an aggressive rider. But when they started purchasing high-performance chassis components, they encountered a number of difficulties. Delivery time on some items, like A-Arms and shocks, was in the four- to six-month range. Unfortunately, when they finally did receive the components, they often wouldn’t fit due to poor workmanship. Even if they did fit, they often didn’t perform due to poor design. Many products were missing some very basic engineering concepts.

Frustrated with their inability to find the type of quality parts the father and son began to design and produce components to maximize the performance of their own ATVs. They started with a set of A-Arms for a Honda 250X. They created the design on the computer, designed and built a fixture, then created and welded the parts and finished them with powder coating. The A-Arms worked great! As time went on, more and more of their friends wanted to buy the growing list of innovative products they were making.

Today, the company that got its start as a father and son team trying to find ways to push the limits of performance on their own ATVs has become a leader in the industry. As they continue to grow, Houser Racing has grown into larger facilities two times. They now have state-of-the-art equipment like CNC (computer numerical controlled) lathes, CNC mills, powder coat paint systems, robotic welders, and TIG welders. Their expanded facility includes separate assembly, customer service, steel receiving, engineering and shipping departments.

They also hire Tri-Rivers graduates and work closely with Tri-Rivers, said Ramey.

Staff Sergeant Steven Blankley, Outstanding Alumni.

Staff Sergeant Steven Blankley, introduced by Kerry Beckel, his former Landscaping Instructor and Current SRC Coordinator at TRCC
Steven Blankley graduated in 1999 from the Landscaping / Garden Center Program. Unlike many of the recipients of this award he did not go on to accomplish outstanding achievements in the Landscaping/Garden Center field. “I can’t say that he’s made significant contributions to the green industry either, though I’m sure he can still identify a Silver Maple from a Norway. After all, he did travel all the way to Florida with us and compete in the National Junior Horticulture Contest about 15 years ago. I’m sure he still enjoys working in the garden and working with plants but I probably can’t tell you he’s a superstar in the Landscaping profession. You see this award is presented to our graduates who have excelled in their fields, contributed to their vocations and to those who are outstanding citizens who have fulfilled the mission of Tri-Rivers Career Center.”

For those who don’t know, the mission of Tri-Rivers is to “prepare all secondary and adult students to contribute, advance and succeed in the 21st century workforce, to be responsible family and community members, and to embrace learning as a life-long process.” Without a doubt, Staff Sergeant Steven Blankley has done all that and more. Sergeant Blankley served 13 years of active duty in the US Army including two tours in Iraq during which time he earned his Combat Action Badge for actively engaging or being engaged by the enemy.

Beckel said, “I remember getting a few calls from Baghdad during some of my classes and he was so interested in how things were going back at Tri-Rivers with the students I was teaching at the time”  Following his tours in Iraq, he served as a US Army Recruiter and, in that capacity, he has helped to guide, coach, and mentor over 200 recruits.

He has helped students enroll in college and insured that they received tuition assistance and Montgomery GI Bill benefits. He earned the highest award in recruiting, the Glenn E. Morrell Award as recognition of his excellence in recruiting. He completed training to qualify as a Suicide Prevention Counselor for the Army and completed the Master Resilience Training in addition to being a Middle School Baseball Coach, Salvation Army volunteer and mentor for Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts.

“Steven lives in Ashland now but he usually makes a point to stop in and see me whenever he visits Tri-Rivers,” said Beckel. “On several occasions he has taken the time to talk with whatever students I’m with about the importance of paying attention, staying in school, and working hard. He never seems to be talking with them in order to recruit someone, rather, he genuinely wants to help them learn some of life’s most important lessons whether they ever intend to join the military or not.”

Staff Sergeant Steven Blankley epitomizes the ideals we hope for in all of our graduates—service to both his country and community, dedication, leadership and excellence in his chosen profession. “I’m so proud to say that he was one of my students,” said Beckel.

Sen. Portman visits RAMTEC

Sen. Rob Portman visited the RAMTEC (Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing Technology Education Collaborative) on the Tri-Rivers Career Center campus Saturday, Saturday, March 15. He met with chambers of commerce representatives from Logan, Marion and Union counties, as well as business & manufacturing leaders, area career center superintendents, Tri-Rivers students and staff. The round table focused on education and jobs and how the two go hand-in-hand.

Senator Portman with Superintendent Speelman, Honda, Whirlpool, NUCOR, Autotool, ACTE, Marion Industrial Center and many other leaders were in our building today to here what TRCC is doing to overcome the manufacturing skills gap in America.


He and the other participants began their visit with a tour of RAMTEC. While there, he had the opportunity to meet with the first high school students in the country to be FANUC certified robot technicians.

Senator Portman with Superintendent Speelman, Honda, Whirlpool, NUCOR, Autotool, ACTE, Marion Industrial Center and many other leaders were in our building Saturday, March 15, 2014, to hear what TRCC is doing to overcome the manufacturing skills gap in America.

Senator Portman strongly urging the need for more facilities like RAMTEC to help create skilled workers needed in thousands of American companies now.

Senator Portman with Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Junior Scott Gould. Scott’s goal is to be a robotic technician and he is one of only 3 high school FANUC certified robot technicians in the nation.

Sen. Portman with Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Junior Scott Gould. Scott’s goal is to be a robotic technician; he is one of only 3 high school FANUC certified robot technicians in the nation. Left is TRCC Superintendent Speelman.

Scott Gould, a junior at Tri-Rivers and one of the students to earn FANUC certification, told members of the round table, that some students don’t believe they can “handle the course work” to become a technician. He said he believes that coming to RAMTEC and getting hands-on will show them they can do it.

Senior Mason Dancz, who was also has earned in FANUC certification demonstrated FANUC robots. Dancz said his training has prepared him to program, troubleshoot and repair the robots.

Portman said a trained workforce is crucial for our economic development in Ohio. Portman said, “We have 100,000 jobs open in Ohio right now but not a skilled workforce to fill them. That’s where RAMTEC come in and meets a crucial need.”

He also emphasized that students today are graduating from college and cannot find a job in their field. He questioned if these degrees are what we should be encouraging our young people to pursue. Instead he urged people to encourage students to look at all options, including vocational (career and technical schools).

These skilled positions are high paying, rewarding careers.

Tri-Rivers Celebrates Superheroes

February is  Career and Technical Education Month. This year the theme is Celebrating Superheroes!

As graduates we are here for you!!!   We are Firefighters, EMTs, Paramedics, State Highway
Troopers, Nurses, LPNs, Home Health Aides, Dietary Aides, Rehab Aides, Illustrators, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Interior Designers,
Photographers, Automotive Technicians, Engineers, Illustrators, Cosmetologists, Salon Owners, Make-Up Artists, Art Directors, Chefs, Caterers, Restaurant Owners, Pastry Shop Owners, Physical Therapists, Radiographers, Respiratory Therapists, Sheriff’s Deputies, Preschool Teachers, Special Needs Aides, Elementary and High School Teachers, Nannies, Veterinary Assistants, Vet Technicians, Dog Groomers, Construction Workers, Corrections Officers , Owners of Businesses, Roofers, Insulators, Architects, Computer Repair Technicians, Police Officers, Network Technicians, Network Systems Analysts, LAN Administrator Engineers, Robotics Technicians, Maintenance Technicians, Metal Fabricators, Equipment Operators, Diesel Technicians, Tool & Die Makers, Machining Supervisors, CNC Programmers, Welders, Company Foremen, Pipe Welders, Tractor Technicians, Parts & Service Managers, Ag Sales & Service Managers, Transmission Specialists, Brake Specialists, Automotive Assemblers,  Videographers, Hair colorists, Bakers, Dispatchers, Animal Care Techs, Preschool Directors, Headstart Aides, Serving in Every Military Branch, Leaders in Our Communities. We are Trained Here, Work Here and Stay Here.

Thank a Tri-Rivers Graduate Today!!!

TRCC RAMTEC’s Matt Reebel qualifies for State Vex Competition

Congratulations to TRCC RAMTEC student, Matt Reebel, he earned a trip to the Ohio State Vex Championships to be held February 22 at Harding High in Marion.

Thirty-six high school and 18 middle school teams will qualify for the Ohio State Championship (OSC). Ten high school teams and three middle school teams will qualify for the Vex Toss Up World Championships at the OSC. OSC High School three team alliance winners, runner up alliance, Design, Excellence, Programming Skills, Driver Skills and Innovation award winners will advance to the Worlds.

(photos:  The 3 team alliance tournament champions are from Tri-Rivers and North Union.)

See complete list of Ohio Vex qualifying contests  here.


NTHS Fall Induction Ceremony

NTHS Fall New Inductees.

Tri-Rivers National Technical Honor Society welcomed Fall Inductees at a formal ceremony December 10, 2013 at 7pm in the Giauque Auditorium at Tri-Rivers. The new inductees included: Victoria Baldwin, Healthcare Professions, River Valley; Cassandra Blanton, Healthcare Professions, Marion Harding; Benjamin Highfill, Construction Technology, Marion Harding; Cherokee Huffine, Healthcare Professions, Cardington; Melissa Lindsay, Healthcare Professions, Marion Harding; Lendi Meade, Healthcare Professions, Marion Harding; Scott Mills, Ag & Industrial Power, Ridgedale and Mariah Morgan, Healthcare Professions, Cardington.

The National Technical Honor Society recognizes outstanding leadership, educational excellence, and scholarship.

photos on Facebook.

Members of the National Technical Honor Society.

The organization is committed to:

  • Providing the highest quality recognition for outstanding students in career and technical education,
  • Supplying excellent services to our diverse and multi-cultural membership and member schools,
  • Providing scholarship opportunities for its members,
  • Creating new and emerging relationships between the educational community and business and industry,
  • Being a flexible organization on the leading edge of technology and constantly responding to change,
  • Maintaining financial responsibility to meet our increasing needs,
  • Sustaining growth, innovation and continuous improvement based upon ongoing evaluation.

Exploring Careers Day 2013

Tri-Rivers welcomed students to Exploring Careers Days, Dec. 3 and 4. Students attending included sophomores from: Highland, Mt. Gilead, Pleasant, the Tomorrow Center Cardington, Ridgedale, River Valley, Marion Harding, North Union, Elgin, and Rushmore.

Exploring Careers Day provides students the opportunity to visit and do hands-on activities in three career programs of their choice. The students selected the programs they wished to explore earlier this year when TRCC Guidance Counselors visited their schools. Today, many of the students took home not only experiences but actual items that they made during their sessions.

Photos from the morning session  on Dec. 3 on FACEBOOK.
Photos from the afternoon session on Dec. 3 on  FACEBOOK.
Photos from morning and afternoon sessions on Dec. 4 on FACEBOOK.

Meet Kaitlin Beltz

Meet Kaitlyn Beltz
Kaitlyn is a graduate of the
Cosmetology program.

I’m a proud graduate of Tri-Rivers. The skills I learned at the Career Center helped me pay for my college. And the leadership skills I learned through SkillsUSA help me in 

every aspect of my career. Tri-Rivers made me a more versatile person.

—Kaitlin A. Beltz, Cosmetology graduate