
Facebook contest continues

Eric Glosser of Culinary Arts was the first winner of  a basket of goodies during our Facebook Contest. Eric had the most people find Tri-Rivers on facebook and “Like” the page, then post his name. Several others won anniversary mugs with candy for having a friend or family member “Like” Tri-Rivers’ official facebook page and then post their name. You can win, too!!!
The contest  continues!!! Our goal is 1,000 fans!! Ask family and friends to “Like” our page and post your name and win an Anniversary mug. Have the most new fans post your name and you can win a basket of goodies like Eric Glosser did. At the end of the month the person with the most posts will get a basket and those with a post or more will win mugs!!!
Let’s do it!!! Anyone can participate—students, staff, community members. If you are already a Tri-Rivers Facebook fan, just ask others to become fans and post your name and program if you are a student. If you aren’t a fan, yet, go to and “Like” the site and then ask others to do the same and post your name!!!  Your name  has to be posted by a new facebook fan to win!! We can do it!!! Let’s Go. Let’s Go! L-E-T-S, G-O!!




1,000 fans needed!!

Students, Alumni, Business Partners, Friends of Tri-Rivers!
During Career & Technical Education Month we’ve set a goal of 1,000 fans for the Tri-Rivers Facebook page. We need your help to reach that goal. Just click Like Us” at

Be part of the conversation. Share your ideas, suggest programs, share success stories, etc.

Join the fun, come see what’s going on!!!

See you on FACEBOOK!!!