
Two New Programs at Tri-Rivers Career Center

Creating a Pathway that works for you! That is the goal of two new programs at the Career Center—STEPS (Successful Training to Employment Possibilities) and Pathways to EmploymentSTEPS is a program for sophomores and Pathways is designed for juniors and seniors. When a student completes STEPS, they he or she chooses Pathways or a Career Tech program.


There are many pathways a student can take, we want a students to be able to choose the one that is right for them. STEPS is a year-long career exploration program. Pathways in Level 1 provides career awareness, in-house lab and school worksites. During Level 2 students have the opportunity to experience off-site unpaid work experience. The chart above shows a variety of pathways to success.

Job Training is for students 18  years old and older. It offers paid work experience, a Job Search Lab, and School to Life Skills.