Tri-Rivers appreciates our communities support!!

Levy Details and Letters of Support
Tri-Rivers Career Center is seeking approval of the renewal of a 1.3 mill levy on the November 2021 ballot. “The passage of this renewal levy is essential to the continued operations of the Career Center as well as providing necessary funds for general maintenance and necessary upgrades, according to Tri-Rivers Treasurer, Tammi Cowell. “It is a renewal, which means NO NEW TAXES for the communities we serve.”
“Tri-Rivers has been training skilled professionals since 1976. To continue to compete in this economy we must continue to offer cutting-edge programs for 21st-century careers,” Superintendent Chuck Speelman explained. “With this levy, Tri-Rivers can maintain quality programs and facilities, ensuring our students have the latest training, equipment and skills necessary to meet the needs of area employers.”
Tri-Rivers has a proven track record where more than 90 percent of their graduates go on to enter the local workforce, enlist in the military, continue on-the-job training in apprenticeship programs and/or continue their educations in two-year, or four-year colleges. “Tri-Rivers’ students are required to know “What’s My E” after graduation—Are they Enrolling in additional education? Enlisting in the military? Seeking Employment in their field? Our students have a plan; they are ready for graduation,” said Speelman.
Along with providing skills training for high school students, Tri-Rivers also provides training for adults, including training Paramedics, Practical Nurses, Registered Nurses, Industrial Maintenance Techs, and Robotics Techs. “Our LPN to RN program has been ranked 1st out of the 96 nursing programs statewide for RegisteredNursing™ in 3 of the last 5 years,” said Adult Director Richard George.
George said Tri-Rivers Adult Education also an Adult High School Diploma program that provides free job training and a new pathway for adults, age 20 and older, to earn their high school diploma, while gaining skills and a certification in welding. “This program is life-changing for the participants.”
Tri-Rivers works directly with local businesses and corporations like Honda and Whirlpool to help provide training and meet the demands of today’s job market,” said Speelman. “It is with the community’s support that we will be able to stay on that path, making sure our students are ready for the ever-changing employment landscape.”
“Tri Rivers provides great value to the communities it serves,” said Board President Glenna Plotts. “With the passage of this renewal levy, we can continue to make a real difference by producing work-ready graduates for real jobs in Marion, Morrow and Union counties.
The levy that is up for renewal is set at 1.3 mills, or 13 cents per $100 on a home evaluation, and would generate an estimated $1.7 million per year.
The passage of this renewal levy—at no additional costs to taxpayers—will provide financial stability and resources necessary to achieve student success, said Cowell. “When students are successful and graduate high school with a plan for success, we all win as a community. With a diploma, a skilled trade, a career passport, and industry-recognized credentials, our Tri-Rivers graduates are ready to become productive members of their communities. I cannot think of a better investment than the skills training of our area youth and adults.”
Letters of Support
September 29, 2021
I am writing this letter in support of Tri-Rivers Career Center’s Renewal Levy. Tri-Rivers will be on the ballot on November 2 for a 1.3 mill Renewal Levy. This levy is no new taxes, but continued funds necessary for student success. With the passage of this renewal levy, Tri-Rivers will be able to continue to make a real difference in our communities by producing “work- ready” graduates for real jobs in our area.
Following my retirement as a superintendent and 28-year employee of a Career Center, I was asked to serve as the board member for Tri-Rivers Career Center. As a Career Center employee, board member and currently board president, I have witnessed first-hand the tremendous opportunities students receive from a Career Technical Education and the economic advantages that it brings to our communities. I have been extremely impressed by the cutting-edge programs that Tri-Rivers offers to their Adult and secondary students. Tri-Rivers understands that skills students learn must prepare them for 21st Century careers in a competitive economy.
Tri-Rivers works directly with businesses in the region, like Honda and Whirlpool, to train students to meet the demands of today’s job market. Working with these businesses and its communities, Tri-Rivers has been vigilant in meeting the ever-changing training needs of the workforce by providing state-of-the-art programs. After graduating from these programs, 90% of Tri-Rivers high school graduates go on to get a job, go to college, enter the military or earn lucrative apprenticeships. These graduates typically remain in the community and become viable members of our society and the local workforce.
Tri-Rivers is a proud partner in the communities that it serves and will continue to be an economic driver in the workforce. Now, Tri-Rivers needs your help by voting “yes” for the Renewal Levy on November 2. This levy will enable Tri-Rivers to maintain quality programs and facilities, ensure that students have the latest training, equipment, and skills necessary to meet the needs of area employers.
I encourage you to visit Tri-Rivers website: to learn more about the programs that lead to a trained workforce that supports the economic growth of your community. To continue this growth, please vote “yes” on November 2.
Glenna Plotts
President, Tri-Rivers Career Center Board of Education
September 30, 2021
Tri-Rivers Career Center students are actively involved in performing community service throughout the year. This past year Tri-Rivers Construction Trades Academy instructor David Willey embraced the opportunity to get his students involved in a complex, meaningful project that would not only provide a great hands-on learning experience but would also enhance the lives of Marion-area seniors for many years to come.
Tri-Rivers’ instructors and students dedicated an entire school year to plan, implement, and volunteer their talents to construct a beautiful new 32’ x 50’ outdoor Activity Pavilion for Marion Senior Center. They arrived in shifts from school most every school day, working painstakingly through inclement weather including rain, sleet, snow, and blustery cold. Their dedication was a wonderful testament to the youth of today (and future leaders of tomorrow). The result is a beautiful new facility that will be used for outdoor programs, events, and activities, bringing joy to area seniors for many years to come.
Many other Tri-Rivers Career Center instructors and students from a wide variety of programs are involved in dozens of community service projects each school year, collaborating with local organizations on projects that improve the lives of citizens in our community.
For their selfless contributions of time and talent to many projects that positively impact our community combined with the life lessons of community service they instill in our future leaders of tomorrow, I encourage you to VOTE FOR the Tri-Rivers Renewal Levy on November 2.
Steve Badertscher
Director, Marion Senior Center
There is so much happening in our world and the education of our children is the best way to prepare them for it. In Marion, the gem we have in Tri-Rivers Career Center is one of the best opportunities to give children, young adults and anyone for that matter the way to find the right future that can be a pathway to a happy and productive life.
Firsthand I have watched my son go from Harding High School to Tri-Rivers and find his life work and a job he loves. Watching the staff there, especially Chef Hamm take him in hand and see the talent not even he saw. Matt Smith is now the successful Executive Head Chef at the Columbus Convention & Visitors Center in Columbus and constantly gives credit to the education, the care and push he received from all of the members of Tri-Rivers.
Keeping this such a great resource in our community and the value it gives is so important.
Voting for the success of our children and their future depends on all of us. Make it count for someone’s lifetime. Vote YES for Tri-Rivers RENEWAL levy. This is an investment in their future. Thank you.
Jean Obenour
I am writing this letter to show my support for the Tri-Rivers Career Center’s renewal, no new taxes levy that is on the November ballot. I’m nearing retirement, having worked at Tri-Rivers Career Center for almost thirty years, first as part-time faculty teaching in Adult Education, then as full-time faculty and Workforce Development Coordinator and the last thirteen years as Director of Adult Education. Over the years, I have seen first-hand the career changing, lifesaving education that takes place at Tri-Rivers.
Whenever I enter a local hospital or nursing home, or see an EMT Squad going on a run, I am reminded of the life changing education provided at Tri-Rivers. I see graduates of our programs working in our community. Our Adult Education training programs strengthen our communities by training these critically needed Licensed Practical Nurses and Registered Nurses, Patient Care Technicians, EMTs and Paramedics.
Our Adult Ed skilled trades programs provide training for Industrial Maintenance Mechanics and Welders and help our local industries by providing the means to upskill their employees with Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing training.
Our High School programs provide both high skill technical and academic training leading to industry recognized certifications, opportunities for college credit and lifelong career pathways. They provide students with many opportunities for further education, meaningful employment, and allow students to build strong career foundations for life.
The no new taxes renewal levy provides critical funds that help support the training that allows Tri-Rivers students, both high school and adult, to learn the skills and training necessary to strengthen our community. Thank you for your support.
Richard George
Director, Adult Education
Tri-Rivers Career Center
Lunch Menu January 2022
/in High School News, HS News Archives/by web editorHow to fill in the FAFSA
/in High School News, HS News Archives/by web editorHere is a presentation about Understanding Financial Aid and Navigating the FAFSA for the 2022-23′ academic year.
Video will be posted soon!
University of Akron & Tri-Rivers Announce Partnership
/in High School News, HS News Archives/by web editorPhoto: Signing the agreement with University of Akron is, left to right: Tammi Cowell, CFO/Treasurer; Dr. Charles Speelman, Superintendent; and Glenna Plotts, Board President. Below John Wiencek, executive vice president and provost for UA can be seen signing the agreement.
The University of Akron (UA) and Tri-Rivers Career Center (TRCC) entered into an agreement that will allow Marion and surrounding area students the opportunity to complete college-level academic courses while in high school, earning valuable college course credits toward a degree at UA. The new partnership is called the Tri-Rivers Early College High School. The official signing was completed virtually at a ceremony, Monday, December 6, 2021.
“We believe all students deserve the opportunity to have access to a college education as a way to expand their future career options,” said John Wiencek, executive vice president and provost at UA. (pictured below) “The goal is to create reliable pathways that produce more college- and career-ready citizens. And we have achieved great success with this at our other Early High Schools, with more than 80% of students graduating with an associate degree within days of high school graduation. The impact of this for our students and our expanded communities is significant.”
“This program will offer an unprecedented opportunity for qualified students to earn a FREE Associate Degree from the University of Akron while completing their high school experience at Tri-Rivers Career Center,” according to Dr. Charles Speelman, superintendent for Tri-Rivers. “Each Associate Degree has a path to a Bachelor’s Degree with additional education opportunities at The University of Akron and other institutions across Ohio. If a student plans to go to college, this is an opportunity to learn technical skills, attain industry certifications, prepare for a career, and earn a college degree upon graduation from high school at no cost.”
The new partnership formed between UA and Tri-Rivers is a bold approach to education that blends high school and college in a rigorous yet supportive program, shortening the time it takes to complete a high school diploma and the first two years of college.
Early College High School students will earn technical credits through their career technical program and complete their academic general education requirements in the Center’s distance learning lab where they will connect with UA faculty. The program provides a personalized educational plan that works with the high school schedule, has strong support systems built in, is completely tuition-free for families, and shortens the time it takes for a student to complete a degree.
The program begins in the fall of 2022 with a cohort of around 30 students. Tri-Rivers will start accepting applications for the Early College High School program with AU in January.
This is the University’s fifth early high school partnership in Ohio, and the first one outside of its regular service area. The others are located at the Portage Lakes Career Center in Uniontown (2016), Barberton High School (2017), the RG Drage Career Center in Massillon (2018), and on the UA Campus (Akron Early College High School – 2007).
Tri-Rivers and the University of Akron will reach out to area sophomores with more details and application information in January.
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TRCC students “Paint the Plow”
/in High School News, HS News Archives/by web editorCongrats! 1st Quarter Honor Announced
/in High School News, HS News Archives/by web editorNevaeh Alvarado
Ashton Arick
Nathaniel Arnold
Elijah Axline
Jillian Bailey
Ashley Ball
Remington Beam
Silas Beckman
Nathan Beeney
Megan Benson
Blake Berthold
Jesse Bertram
Andrew Bledsoe
Brooklynn Brammer
James Brokaw
Brandon Browning
Madison Bruhnsen
Trevor Brumfield
Mackenzie Bumgarner
Jacob Camp
Liberty Carpenter
Drake Cerny
Casey Clark
Megan Clark
Corbin Clark
Colton Collier
Katie Combs
Jackson Conley
Benjamin Conrad
Peyton Correa
Rebecca Davenport
Coulter DeBoer
Breauna Drake
Hunter Dudgeon
Nicolas Emigh
Haley Esche
Dylan Farrell
Megan Fox
Matthew Grandstaff
Haylei Green
Madison Hack
Tasheena Hale-Funk
James Hallabrin
Lucas Harbolt
David Hawkins
Matthew Hebauf
Tiffany Hix
Nygil Horn
Christina Hulls
Daniel Hundley
Reagan Kellogg
Evelyn Lamphere
Kaitlin Lanum
Ziah Lawhun
Bailey Lawson
Adia Levingston
Emmalyn Long
Benjamin Luchene
Coen Marsh
Lloyd Jr Mattox
Storm McGinniss
Randy Meade Jr
Indigo Midworth
Stephen Miller
Makenna Mollett
Joseph Montgomery
Averi Moore
Vincent Mullins
Uriah Myles
Caden Nicholson
Brian Norman
Aydyn Oblinger
Lance Oblinger
Christien Osborne
Cameron Potts
BriAnna Ramey
Joena Rauck
Connor Robbins
Jack Rogers
Wyatt Ruth
Jacob Sayers
Regan Schirtzinger
Ashton Schwaderer
Jacob Scott
Ashley Seymour
Kamen Shaw
Madilynn Sherman
Nathaniel Simon
Jasmine Slone
Averi Snider
Chandler Stevens
Kie Stevenson
Olivia Temple
Allen Thomas
Kamry Thompson
Tristen Ware
Dalton Washburn
Angela Waterer
Adaisha Weldon
Luke Wellin
Diesera Wells
Raeanna Wilson
Dalton Wilson
Charlie Woolensnider
Caeden Wrenn
All A’s & B’s, Quarter 1
Samantha Abouhassan
Karci Akers
Joshua Allen
Derrick Alltop
Dyllen Alltop
Matthew Amstutz
Joshua Anderson
Hayden Anderson
Andres Armbruster
Alexis Baldwin
Hunter Barker
Skylynn Barnett
Dylan Barr
Christina Beheler
Caitlynn Berthold
Adon Blevins
Lillian Bollinger
Lukas Bradley
Kaya Brown
Kaden Burton
Abigail Christian
Jadalynn Coldren
Cathryn Collins
Kaitlynn Collins
Robert Copeland
Lillian Corwin
James Crabtree
Derek Crawford
Alexis Crist
Nicholas Croyle
Carly Cummings
Aerianna Darling
Justin Dendinger
Dana Denney
Damien Dexter
Thalia Diaz
Taylor Dunlap
Skyler Elswick
Brennan Fey
Morgan Fleshman
Spencer Floridia
Mathew Freeman
Braiden Frye
Jostyn Gallant
Jenna Gattshall
Allison George
Alec Gordon
Keaton Hall
Peyton Hanik
Kaliann Hardy
Travis Harrison
Alise Harrison
Allison Hatfield
Alex Henry
Caleb Hess
Bryson Higgins
Thomas Hockman
Josiah Hoffman
Jayda Holmes
Allen Holtz
Brooklyn Honaker
Evan Hord
Johnathan Hughes
Haydan Ingle
Angelina Jackson
Matthew Jobe
Heart Johnson
Ethan Jones
Aunna Kasler
Braeden Kellogg
Travis Kendrick
Maverick Kerr
Richard Kindred Iii
Jaylin Kingery
Kevin Kline
Conner Knippel
Emma Kohler
Samuel Lanier
Sierra Lawhun
Preston Leibengood
Evelin Loaeza
Alexis Long
Kennedy Maceyko
Tyler Marriott
Isabella Martin
Nathan Matlack
Hayden McCoy
Austin McGowan
Coll McGowan
Logan McLeod
Kylee Miniard
Allen Miracle
Mason Miracle
Marina Mitchell
Matthew Morgan
Joshua Mullennix
Boston Mullins
Layla Murray
Joe Nininger
Ezekiel Oberdier
Ivy O’Connor
Brooklynn Ostrom
Jaiden Perez
Andrew Perry
Kayla Pickens
John Popovich
William Popovich
Kole Price
Joselyn Prince
Tyler Pritchard
Kelsey Rausch
Faith Reynolds
Abbygail Rigsby
Chase Rizo
Anthony Rodgers
Alex Rose
Taylor Rush
Connor Ryan
Kaelin Schondel
Donald Schultz
Ben Schwartz
Kaydence Shelton
Skye Shipman
Nicholas Sibole
Jared Slone
Jonathan Snyder
Haley Snyder
Daisy Spencer
Lydia Stalnaker
Jaycee Summers
Blake Taylor
Cody Thompson
Skylar Thompson
Sami Torassa
Nathan Tucker
Jasmine Valdez
Hannah Vance
Addison VanTilburg
Arnold Varela
Nathaniel Vaughn
Camren Wallen
Jarrett Walter
Alexia Walters
Amalya Wampler
Robert Ware
William West
Jillian West-Johnston
Austin Whitley
Jordan Williams
Taylor Williams
James Wilson
Zion Winkelfoos
Carter Wolfe
November 2021 Lunch Menu
/in High School News, HS News Archives/by web editorOctober & November 2021 Lunch Menu
/in High School News/by web editorRemember changes may have to be made due to supplies/delivery etc. during Covid.
Construction Trades receives Community Service Award
/in High School News/by web editorArea Agency on Aging honors the Tri-Rivers Construction Trades Academy as the winner of the 2021 Community Service Award
The Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging Inc. selected Tri-Rivers Construction Trades Academy as their 2021 Community Service Award recipient. The Academy was honored on Wednesday, September 15, at a ceremony hosted in the Construction Academy lab at Tri-Rivers Career Center. Several individuals joined for the recognition, including Martin Dzugan, Director of CTE & Student Pathways of Tri-Rivers; Steve Badertscher, Director of the Marion Senior Center; and Steve Renick, Marion Senior Center Board President. A proclamation by State Senators Matt Huffman and Bill Reineke was also given to the Construction Trades Academy.
Nominated by Badertscher, Tri-Rivers Construction Trades Academy stepped in to create the dream of building an activity pavilion at the Marion Senior Center. A team of 106 students and four instructors constructed a 32×50 ft activity pavilion for the Marion Senior Center. David Willey, an instructor from the Tri-Rivers Construction Trades Academy, championed and embraced the vision of this project to promote an active lifestyle for seniors.
“We are grateful and thankful for the efforts led by the Academy to help our center and the community. This award is long overdue and well-deserved because this group of students, led by Willey and his experienced team of instructors, are dedicated to projects to enhance their community,” said Badertscher. Tri-Rivers Construction Trades Academy has also built projects for Habitat for Humanity, Marion Tall Grass Trails, the Village of Prospect, and River Valley schools over the past year.
“I have always instilled the value of giving back to others and the community. We appreciate this award and the opportunity to serve others,” said Willey. Many students remarked that they not only learn the planning and labor of construction projects, but they also learn leadership and client interaction skills.
Each year the Area Agency on Aging honors an organization, agency, service club, business, or media outlet that is making a difference in their communities on behalf of senior citizens.
There is only one award recipient selected from the Agency’s nine-county service area (Ashland, Crawford, Huron, Knox, Marion, Morrow, Richland, Seneca, and Wyandot. The Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging, Inc., located at 2131 Park Avenue West in Ontario, provides leadership, collaboration, coordination and services to older adults, people with disabilities, their caregivers & resource networks that support individual choice, independence, and dignity.
Tri-Rivers 1.3 mill RENEWAL Levy Passes
/in High School News, HS News Archives/by web editorTri-Rivers appreciates our communities support!!
Levy Details and Letters of Support
Tri-Rivers Career Center is seeking approval of the renewal of a 1.3 mill levy on the November 2021 ballot. “The passage of this renewal levy is essential to the continued operations of the Career Center as well as providing necessary funds for general maintenance and necessary upgrades, according to Tri-Rivers Treasurer, Tammi Cowell. “It is a renewal, which means NO NEW TAXES for the communities we serve.”
“Tri-Rivers has been training skilled professionals since 1976. To continue to compete in this economy we must continue to offer cutting-edge programs for 21st-century careers,” Superintendent Chuck Speelman explained. “With this levy, Tri-Rivers can maintain quality programs and facilities, ensuring our students have the latest training, equipment and skills necessary to meet the needs of area employers.”
Tri-Rivers has a proven track record where more than 90 percent of their graduates go on to enter the local workforce, enlist in the military, continue on-the-job training in apprenticeship programs and/or continue their educations in two-year, or four-year colleges. “Tri-Rivers’ students are required to know “What’s My E” after graduation—Are they Enrolling in additional education? Enlisting in the military? Seeking Employment in their field? Our students have a plan; they are ready for graduation,” said Speelman.
Along with providing skills training for high school students, Tri-Rivers also provides training for adults, including training Paramedics, Practical Nurses, Registered Nurses, Industrial Maintenance Techs, and Robotics Techs. “Our LPN to RN program has been ranked 1st out of the 96 nursing programs statewide for RegisteredNursing™ in 3 of the last 5 years,” said Adult Director Richard George.
George said Tri-Rivers Adult Education also an Adult High School Diploma program that provides free job training and a new pathway for adults, age 20 and older, to earn their high school diploma, while gaining skills and a certification in welding. “This program is life-changing for the participants.”
Tri-Rivers works directly with local businesses and corporations like Honda and Whirlpool to help provide training and meet the demands of today’s job market,” said Speelman. “It is with the community’s support that we will be able to stay on that path, making sure our students are ready for the ever-changing employment landscape.”
“Tri Rivers provides great value to the communities it serves,” said Board President Glenna Plotts. “With the passage of this renewal levy, we can continue to make a real difference by producing work-ready graduates for real jobs in Marion, Morrow and Union counties.
The levy that is up for renewal is set at 1.3 mills, or 13 cents per $100 on a home evaluation, and would generate an estimated $1.7 million per year.
The passage of this renewal levy—at no additional costs to taxpayers—will provide financial stability and resources necessary to achieve student success, said Cowell. “When students are successful and graduate high school with a plan for success, we all win as a community. With a diploma, a skilled trade, a career passport, and industry-recognized credentials, our Tri-Rivers graduates are ready to become productive members of their communities. I cannot think of a better investment than the skills training of our area youth and adults.”
Letters of Support
September 29, 2021
I am writing this letter in support of Tri-Rivers Career Center’s Renewal Levy. Tri-Rivers will be on the ballot on November 2 for a 1.3 mill Renewal Levy. This levy is no new taxes, but continued funds necessary for student success. With the passage of this renewal levy, Tri-Rivers will be able to continue to make a real difference in our communities by producing “work- ready” graduates for real jobs in our area.
Following my retirement as a superintendent and 28-year employee of a Career Center, I was asked to serve as the board member for Tri-Rivers Career Center. As a Career Center employee, board member and currently board president, I have witnessed first-hand the tremendous opportunities students receive from a Career Technical Education and the economic advantages that it brings to our communities. I have been extremely impressed by the cutting-edge programs that Tri-Rivers offers to their Adult and secondary students. Tri-Rivers understands that skills students learn must prepare them for 21st Century careers in a competitive economy.
Tri-Rivers works directly with businesses in the region, like Honda and Whirlpool, to train students to meet the demands of today’s job market. Working with these businesses and its communities, Tri-Rivers has been vigilant in meeting the ever-changing training needs of the workforce by providing state-of-the-art programs. After graduating from these programs, 90% of Tri-Rivers high school graduates go on to get a job, go to college, enter the military or earn lucrative apprenticeships. These graduates typically remain in the community and become viable members of our society and the local workforce.
Tri-Rivers is a proud partner in the communities that it serves and will continue to be an economic driver in the workforce. Now, Tri-Rivers needs your help by voting “yes” for the Renewal Levy on November 2. This levy will enable Tri-Rivers to maintain quality programs and facilities, ensure that students have the latest training, equipment, and skills necessary to meet the needs of area employers.
I encourage you to visit Tri-Rivers website: to learn more about the programs that lead to a trained workforce that supports the economic growth of your community. To continue this growth, please vote “yes” on November 2.
Glenna Plotts
President, Tri-Rivers Career Center Board of Education
September 30, 2021
Tri-Rivers Career Center students are actively involved in performing community service throughout the year. This past year Tri-Rivers Construction Trades Academy instructor David Willey embraced the opportunity to get his students involved in a complex, meaningful project that would not only provide a great hands-on learning experience but would also enhance the lives of Marion-area seniors for many years to come.
Tri-Rivers’ instructors and students dedicated an entire school year to plan, implement, and volunteer their talents to construct a beautiful new 32’ x 50’ outdoor Activity Pavilion for Marion Senior Center. They arrived in shifts from school most every school day, working painstakingly through inclement weather including rain, sleet, snow, and blustery cold. Their dedication was a wonderful testament to the youth of today (and future leaders of tomorrow). The result is a beautiful new facility that will be used for outdoor programs, events, and activities, bringing joy to area seniors for many years to come.
Many other Tri-Rivers Career Center instructors and students from a wide variety of programs are involved in dozens of community service projects each school year, collaborating with local organizations on projects that improve the lives of citizens in our community.
For their selfless contributions of time and talent to many projects that positively impact our community combined with the life lessons of community service they instill in our future leaders of tomorrow, I encourage you to VOTE FOR the Tri-Rivers Renewal Levy on November 2.
Steve Badertscher
Director, Marion Senior Center
I am writing this letter to show my support for the Tri-Rivers Career Center’s renewal, no new taxes levy that is on the November ballot. I’m nearing retirement, having worked at Tri-Rivers Career Center for almost thirty years, first as part-time faculty teaching in Adult Education, then as full-time faculty and Workforce Development Coordinator and the last thirteen years as Director of Adult Education. Over the years, I have seen first-hand the career changing, lifesaving education that takes place at Tri-Rivers.
Whenever I enter a local hospital or nursing home, or see an EMT Squad going on a run, I am reminded of the life changing education provided at Tri-Rivers. I see graduates of our programs working in our community. Our Adult Education training programs strengthen our communities by training these critically needed Licensed Practical Nurses and Registered Nurses, Patient Care Technicians, EMTs and Paramedics.
Our Adult Ed skilled trades programs provide training for Industrial Maintenance Mechanics and Welders and help our local industries by providing the means to upskill their employees with Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing training.
Our High School programs provide both high skill technical and academic training leading to industry recognized certifications, opportunities for college credit and lifelong career pathways. They provide students with many opportunities for further education, meaningful employment, and allow students to build strong career foundations for life.
The no new taxes renewal levy provides critical funds that help support the training that allows Tri-Rivers students, both high school and adult, to learn the skills and training necessary to strengthen our community. Thank you for your support.
Richard George
Director, Adult Education
Tri-Rivers Career Center
Masking Update
/in High School News, HS News Archives/by web editorParents & Students: Update on Masking.
You should have received a text message Friday, Sept. 3, 2021. If you did not, please read this important update. Keeping our students and staff safe and at school is our priority. Thank you, Superintendent Charles Speelman. 9.3.2021
Please read the letter for details.